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The Evolution of Urban Abstracts 6

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The Evolution of Urban Abstracts 6

Back from the commercial break. I hope you enjoyed going through my latest book, page by page.
Picking up from where I left off.....
My realization was that whether I was painting a large canvas or finding abstracts on the city streets, my eye was consistent in what it sought.
Once I made the connection between my paintings and my photos, I went through every image of a painting that I still had, going back 30 years or so.
Without fail, I had a companion photograph to match up to each painting.
The second step of this amazing process had officially begun as I paired paintings and photographs together into one image. Sometimes, they were just side by side and sometimes, I was concerned with the visual connection, whether it be color, lines, shapes or movement.
Granted, not all were worthy, BUT.... And here's the BIG BUT: I have been and always will be about PROCESS, not PRODUCT.
I was so very excited about putting these two mediums together that the product was not a top priority.
The challenge to pair them together was enough to get my creative juices flowing as I ventured into this new realm.
I named this series pHOTography..I gave up crossword puzzles, mystery novels and the need to make connections and figure things out was right on my monitor.
The results of this piece of the process can be found by clicking on this link: pHOTography